Soldiers Joy – for beginner fiddle

Soldiers Joy – for beginner fiddle
Video Lesson
You cant get very far in your git-fiddle without learning this classic fiddle tune, the Soldiers Joy. Named after olden days slang for morphine (because as you can imagine if you had just gotten you arm taken off by a musket blast, morphine would indeed be your “joy”), this easy piece is in the key of D and uses good old fashioned up-and-down “saw” bowing. So it’s a great place to start getting better with your bow and frightening your cats less. As do all of our JamAlong lessons, this one comes with backing tracks with a full bluegrass band, played at slow and medium tempos, so you can jam away to your hearts content! This lesson is designed for the total teeth-gritting beginner, and will get you playing a real fiddle tune faster than you ever thought possible…so get to it!
1 review for Soldiers Joy – for beginner fiddle
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Michael Lancaster –
Good lesson,easy to understand